Wednesday, August 8, 2007

About Me:

About me:
1. My girlfriend says my shoes are gay. I say they are an extension of my eclectic personality, and go great with my business-casual attire, having nothing to do with my sexual orientation. I will ignore the fact that a fifty-year-old retired male autoworker and colleague of mine has a very similar pair of footwear. I will be posting pictures soon and hope to get feedback...

2. I tend to wax poetic in the written word, then come at the real world like a Rubik's cube. Some would say this little switcheroo is contradictory; I prefer the term "well-rounded".

3. I have been told that I can be very guarded and closed off at times. I beg to differ--those guys with machine guns are there for your protection, not mine! ::wink::

4. I once thought of myself as the domestic type; I realize now that unless all of my belongings fit in the trunk of my car, I am not happy. I can however cook, make a bed, and close a cabinet door without being asked (most of the time...) Does this make me a wandering domestic, or a marginally-domesticated gypsy..?

5. I also always thought of myself as a pet person. Then I went five years without one and in the meantime acquired a wool trenchcoat. I am now convinced I am a plant person. (When I don't kill the little buggers...)

6. I have discovered that I do not require alcohol to offer to have sex in an elevator and be more than halfway serious. Huh.

7. I give great advice; I teach well, and I speak confidently to others. Then I go home and completely disregard what I said and mess it all up anyway.

8. I don't like being sick. I get clingy and whiny, and would like nothing better than to lay in bed with my significant (or even not-so-significant) other and cuddle. The flip-side is, I'll do the same for someone else...

9. I have absolutely no sense of interior decorating. I like white walls. I also like color. Would I know what color to put on a wall? Nope. I would, however, prefer to leave gold, green, and burgundy where they belong--on argyle socks...

10. I have very few things that others could accuse me of being OCD about. They are the following:
~wearing a watch, bracelet, or armband in bed. Don't ask me why. Also, add necklaces to that, as they often get in the way of my teeth, and that's just bad form...
~baths. I must scrub the tub before I get in it; this generally turns me off to baths because it makes the process extremely long, drawn-out, and tedious...
~lotion on my hands. I prefer to have someone else apply it, thanks. Bonus for them...add to this strong smells of any sort. Especially on my hands. Weird, I know..
~leftovers. There are many levels of dislike for leftovers. I hate when an open pot is simply transferred from the stove to the fridge. UGH!! Bacteria count, anyone? I hate leftover meat. It tastes like leftover meat. I will, however, eat a leftover burrito made by one Nikoli. I believe that is a rare exception to more than one rule, actually...
~people who play "adopt-a-word". This is when someone picks out a word to use, overuse, and even misuse throughout the day. I believe the last one I experienced was "forte". Please do not confuse "adopt-a-word" with my favorite game, "word of the day". There is a significant difference between the two. Trust me.

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